Welcome to The WAL(L)BANK(S) One-Name Study Group
The Group was formed in February 2006. Its success will depend on the participation of those with an interest in the name.
Wallbank and its variants, Wallbanks, Walbank & Walbanks , are registered at the Guild of One-Name Studies .
Other variants, such as Walbancke, Welbank will also be studied but as yet are not registered.
A one-name study is a project researching all
occurrences of a surname, as opposed to a particular pedigree
(ancestors of one person) or descendancy (descendants of one person or
1. To encourage the study of the Wallbank name and its variants worldwide.
2. To gather and publish data on the name and its variants (by this website, links to other websites , or other means)
3. To compile and publish a register of Wallbank researchers.
4. To provide a means for discussion and information exchange.